Research Article
A New Music Composition Technique Using Natural Science Data
Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2024
28 October 2023
9 January 2024
31 July 2024
Abstract: The relationship of music and mathematics are well documented since the time of ancient Greece, and this relationship is evidenced in the mathematical or quasi-mathematical nature of compositional approaches by composers such as Xenakis, Schoenberg, Charles Dodge, and composers who employ computer-assisted-composition techniques in their work. This study is an attempt to create a composition with data collected over the course 32 years from melting glaciers in seven areas in Greenland, and at the same time produce a work that is expressive and expands my compositional palette. To begin with, numeric values from data were rounded to four-digits and converted into frequencies in Hz. Moreover, the other data are rounded to two-digit values that determine note durations. Using these transformations, a prototype composition was developed, with data from each of the seven Greenland-glacier areas used to compose individual instrument parts in a septet. The composition Contrast and Conflict is a pilot study based on 20 data sets. Serves as a practical example of the methods the author used to develop and transform data. One of the author’s significant findings is that data analysis, albeit sometimes painful and time-consuming, reduced his overall composing time. The variety and richness of data that exists from all academic areas and disciplines conceivably provide a rich reservoir of material from which to fashion compositions. As more composers explore this avenue of work, different methodologies will develop, and the value of works produced by this method will be evaluated.
Abstract: The relationship of music and mathematics are well documented since the time of ancient Greece, and this relationship is evidenced in the mathematical or quasi-mathematical nature of compositional approaches by composers such as Xenakis, Schoenberg, Charles Dodge, and composers who employ computer-assisted-composition techniques in their work. This...
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Research Article
Registration of Newly Released Hull Less Food Barley (HondiumVulgare L.) Variety, ‘Sena’, for High Potential Barley Growing Areas in Ethiopia
Hiwot Sebsibe*
Endeshaw Tadesse,
Ermias Teshome
Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2024
4 April 2024
5 July 2024
6 August 2024
Abstract: Twenty hull less barley genotypes from the local crossing program and germplasms introduced from ICARDA were evaluated in a multi-location variety trial to identify stable genotypes with high grain yield, desirable agronomic characters and good level of disease resistance. Results of combined analysis showed that genotype (G5 and G19) with pedigree name TOCTE/M112/6/VMORALESCBSS04M00436T-11M-0Y-0M-3M-0AP and PENCO/CHEVRON-BAR/3/LEGACYU//PENCO/CHEVRON=BAR CBSS04Y00048S-23Y2M-0Y-0M-0Y-0AP--0TR-0TR exhibited the highest mean grain yield with good agronomic performance and good level of disease resistance across the testing environments, while genotype. Accordingly, the two varieties were promoted to variety verification trial in 2022, and genotype G5 released in 2023; this genotype was named Sena. The variety showed good physical grain quality, coupled with high grain yield of 5.2 t/ha. Sena variety is suitable to the high potential barley growing areas. This variety is characterized by early maturity, white seed color, has good physical grain quality, resistance to leaf rust and scald, moderate resistance to net blotch, moderate tolerance to barley shoot fly, lodging tolerance and good biomass yield. The variety’s demonstration and seed multiplication is underway. Therefore, cultivation of the new variety in the higher altitude areas of major barley growing environments of the country is highly recommended. Six-rowed semi hulled barley Sena was developed by Sinana Agricultural Research Center (SARC), Southeastern Oromia region, Ethiopia. If the variety is sufficiently demonstrated, scaled up and adopted by farmers, it can play significant role in increasing hull less barley production and productivity thereby increasing the income of farmers and can also be source of raw material for local market engaged in the kolo production.
Abstract: Twenty hull less barley genotypes from the local crossing program and germplasms introduced from ICARDA were evaluated in a multi-location variety trial to identify stable genotypes with high grain yield, desirable agronomic characters and good level of disease resistance. Results of combined analysis showed that genotype (G5 and G19) with pedigree...
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Research Article
Performance of Provitamin a Maize Hybrids for Yield and Desirable Agronomic Traits
Lemi Yadesa*
Belay Garoma
Gemechu Asefa
Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2024
14 June 2024
4 July 2024
20 August 2024
Abstract: To find improved F1 hybrids for breeding procedures, the heterosis of maize hybrids must be determined. Therefore, to identify prospective hybrids for use in future provitamin A maize breeding systems, this study was carried out to evaluate the amount of standard heterosis for grain yield and related attributes. Fifteen provitamin A maize inbred lines were crossed through the diallel-II design. The resulting Eight four F1 hybrids along with four standard checks (BHQPY545, BH549, BH546, and BH547) were evaluated using RCBD (20 entries) and Alpha-Lattice Design (68 entries) with two replications during 2022/2023 main cropping season at Bako National Maize Research Center. Analysis of variance revealed significant variations for most of the traits indicating the existence of genetic variability. The Standard heterosis assessment noticed significant positive and negative heterosis for the majority of the traits investigated. Cross combinations over BHQPY 545, such as L10 × L3, L10 × L6, and L13×L12, demonstrated the largest proportion of traditional heterosis for grain yield (more than 25% yield advantage). Because BH546 and BH547 are normal maize with grain production potential, the majority of crossings yielded negative and significant results over commercial checks. The highest found heterosis for grain yield and associated factors indicated that maize genotypes' heterotic potential may be beneficial to boost yield. The findings of this study could be valuable for researchers looking to develop high-yielding provitamin A maize hybrids. As a result, possible hybrids might be recommended for commercial usage once the results have been verified by repeating the research over time and across places, as well as incorporating quality attributes analysis data.
Abstract: To find improved F1 hybrids for breeding procedures, the heterosis of maize hybrids must be determined. Therefore, to identify prospective hybrids for use in future provitamin A maize breeding systems, this study was carried out to evaluate the amount of standard heterosis for grain yield and related attributes. Fifteen provitamin A maize inbred li...
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